Generator Current Transformer
Manufactured to IEC, IEEE/ANSI, CAN or AS standards and specifically designed for Generator manufacturers with primary ratios up to 28,000 Amps.
Lean design and manufacturing techniques means we can provide these highly specialised Current Transformers to exacting timescales.
All transformers have routine test reports available electronically by defualt, alternatively they can be provided in paper format and shipped with goods.
Key Features:
Flexible Design
IP Rated Secondary Terminal Box
Robust Construction
High Primary Ratios

The ITL touch
We do not have a one size fits all approach or a take it or leave it philosphy. We understand that one application is different from the next and that one customer is different from the next. You have to be flexible and that is one of instrument transformers limited's unique selling point. This style of CT commonly known as a bushing current transformer and is suitable for power transformers up yo 800kV. Additionally it can be easily configured for installation into the Busduct as part of an Isolated Busduct (IPB) solution.
So if you need us to tweek our design to fit your needs, then let us know. It's all about communicating your project needs and expectations. Our design team has a huge amount of knowledge and are always happy to help, even if you decide in the end to purchase from our competitor we will always give you impatrial advice and an optomised solution.