National Grid ESO and GB Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) / Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO) are undertaking electricity transmission and distribution industry-led initiative managed on behalf of the Distribution Code Review Panel.
It is a requirement of the "Distribution Code" that all owners of generation installed before February 2018, and where the generation equipment is not type-tested, to comply with new setting requirements for the interface protection per EREC G59. Owners of generation have to comply with the Distribution Code and have until May 2022 to comply with these modified interface protection requirements. After that date, owners who have not made the change will be the subject of an enforcement programme.
The purpose of the initiative is to consider Loss of Main (LoM) protection and their settings. The aim is to reduce the risk of inadvertent tripping and reduce system balancing issues by giving National Grid ESO more considerable latitude with regards to system Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) limits.
To help owners of generation make the necessary changes, through ENA, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO), the Distribution Network Operators (DNO) and Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO), have set up a database to allow generators to register their intention to make settings changes and to facilitate the development of a prioritised delivery programme. This database is available to generators from early-May 2019. It is intended that generators who make the settings changes will be recompensed by the DNO / IDNO they are connected to according to the degree of work involved in making the changes.
Source: Energy Networks Association.