As the power industry continues to reduce its carbon impact, ITL has partnered with Trench Group to bring to the UK the first-ever Power VT/SSVT with eco-friendly insulation gas Clean Air with a GWP of Zero.
The Trench Blue Power VT/SSVTs have the same reliability as comparable units with conventional insulation technologies. With experience gathered over decades in gas insulation, Trench is the only manufacturer who can offer a Power VT/SSVT with zero global warming potential.
The new insulation technology provides the same operational safety in terms of internal arc requirements, practically no ageing of the insulation gas as well as maintenance-free design. Life expectation remains the same as other gas-insulated units.
An additional benefit for the customer is that Clean Air insulation gas does not belong to the fluorinated greenhouse gasses (F-gases) and therefore, specialised training and certification required for this type of gas handling isn't required. Clean Air can be used everywhere without a tracer gas.
To learn more about the advantages of a Blue Power VT/SSVT check out latest information brochure